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Yoga for Busy Lives: Quick 10-Minute Practices for Every Schedule

I often hear from students who want to integrate yoga into their busy lives but struggle to find the time. With work, family life, and other responsibilities, finding time for movement can be challenging. Sound familiar? Here are some quick 10-minute yoga routines I’ve found helpful for fitting yoga into even the busiest of schedules. Each of these routines can be adapted to fit into different parts of your day.

Woman with hands infront of her chest in yoga prayer pose

Morning Energy Boost

  • Cat/Cow: Starting on your hands and knees, flow between arching and rounding your back to warm up the spine.

  • Downward Facing Dog: Then, send your hips to the ceiling and press your hands into the floor for Downdog.

  • Low Lunge with a Twist: Next, step one foot between your hands, sink into a low lunge, and twist towards your front knee. Step back into Downdog and switch sides.

  • Standing Forward Fold: From a standing position, hinge forward from your hips, sending your chest to your thighs to feel the stretch in your hamstrings.

  • Mountain Pose: Slowly rise back to stand tall, shoulders rolled down your back and take slow deep breaths. This is a great time to set an intention for the day.

Woman on a yoga mat doing a twist

Midday Stretch

  • Seated Cat/Cow: From a seated position, round and arch your back in a flow to loosen your spine.

  • Seated Forward Fold: Sit on the floor with a straight back and hinge forward from your hips to stretch your back and legs.

  • Seated Twist: Place your hand on the outside of your opposite leg and gently twist. Repeat on the other side.

  • Cactus Arms: Put your arms in a cactus shape (elbows bent, fingers to the ceiling) and gently pull your shoulder blades together.

  • Deep Breathing: Close your eyes and take deeps breaths in through the nose to calm your mind before returning to your day.

Man on a yoga mat in yoga child's pose

Evening Relaxation

  • Child’s pose: Get on your hands and knees, bring your toes to touch and your knees apart. Sit back towards your heels and let your forehead rest down to the mat, breathing deeply.

  • Supine Twist: Lay on your back with bent knees. Send your knees to one side, keeping your back flat on the ground. Repeat on the other side.

  • Legs Up the Wall: Lay on your back with your sitting bones towards a wall. Extend your legs up the wall and take deep breaths with your eyes closed.

  • Reclined Butterfly: Lay on your back, bring your feet to touch and let your knees fall to the sides. A cushion under the back and/or under your knees for support can feel really good in this position.

Even though you are only in each pose for a minute or two, you’ll get the much-needed chance to slow down, breathe deeply, and connect with your body. You should notice quite a difference in your energy and mood levels right away. Remember, every moment you spend on your mat counts!

Smiling woman holding a yoga mat on a sunny day

Next time you find yourself short on time, grab one of these short sequences and see how even a small commitment can help you find your balance. I’d love to hear how these routines work for you—share your experiences with me or join us at Santosha for more personalized guidance.


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