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My Journey with Yoga

For those of us who haven’t been formally introduced, my name is Jessica Walker and I am the owner of Santosha Yoga & Meditation Apparel and Supplies. I’d love to take a moment to share my yoga journey with you so that we can begin to get to know one another better. My love for yoga began in 2016 when I was a stay-at-home mom of a sweet two-year-old girl, looking for a gentle way to incorporate exercise back into my life. I felt disconnected from my body after having a baby, and to be honest, also disconnected from most people old enough to speak in full sentences. I had practiced yoga a bit in the past with online videos and exercise DVDs, and decided to try a class setting where I may be able to connect with my new body and other adult-size humans.

I went to my first yoga class where I felt like a stranger in an unknown land, not knowing the language or the customs. The teacher welcomed me, talked to me for a few minutes, and we got on the mat where we focused on precision and alignment. I was less than graceful, fumbling through poses, keeping my eyes on everyone else for signs that I was doing it right. No one seemed to notice or care that I had no idea what I was doing, and that was such a huge relief. There was room for me there, and I left that first class feeling refreshed and exhilarated, and on the drive home, I could not wipe the smile off my face. I kept going back and when I went to the studio, I could leave my stress and worries at the door and somehow, they weren’t waiting for me when I was done. I carried that energy back into my life and realized that I had found something I never knew I was missing.

I also discovered a true respect for my teacher and the students in the class. We were all learning at different levels, and the instructor’s patience and guidance with us was catered based on our individual needs. She was so genuinely kind and compassionate, encouraging, and celebrated in our successes with us. She remembered stories about our lives, and knew the limitations of each of our bodies, and helped us surpass our own expectations with respect and support. She inspired me in such a way that challenged my whole perspective, and I will be forever grateful for her wisdom, patience, and belief in her students.


As life continued, and I took other paths, yoga always stayed a part of me. I studied the asanas as a type of passive hobby with no real direction, just wonderment. It was always there for me, helping to center me. When life took me to a crossroads, I knew that I wanted to make this a bigger part of my life. I opened a yoga supply store in 2023 and began my certification. I took the knowledge I’d gained over the years and applied it to my studies.

I discovered there is so much to experience and learn, and it’s a comforting thought to think that I will be a lifelong student to this practice. It has been a shift in mindset that has helped me grow for myself and my family. It has made me more compassionate, patient, and confident. My love and passion for yoga is my life. Anyone who knows me well would consider me a private person, but I finally found a part of my life that I feel compelled to share with others. I invite you into my life, and ask that you invite me into yours as we explore all of the aspects of yoga together. I am thrilled and excited to continue my yogic journey with family and friends (old and new) by my side.

“We are all just walking each other home.” -Ram Dass


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